Justin had a 4-day weekend (thank you, kind sir, for your service) so we hit the road for a whirlwind tour of Texas. We never thought that we'd be that parental unit, going to nearly any length to see Hans' face light up with joy. But we are and I digress.
Seaworld was a blast- Hans is now tall enough to ride the kids' rides (my baby's growin' up). And of course we had to hit the Shamu show "One Ocean." I have been trying to figure out why I've been so fascinated with Shamu for the past few years and Justin wrapped it up for me:
"Of course you would like the show where things go one of two ways: Shamu performs as expected or kills a trainer."
So true.
After leaving San Antonio, we headed out to my parents', as they needed our (Justin's) help with the Billy Goat 'Nero' (but Gay calls him 'Buddy' instead because Nero was so evil in the Bible...shocker). Anyhoo, Buddy weighs more than 290 pounds and (sidenote) his horns frighten me. My Dad started trimming his hooves, and cut a little too much off of one. I won't go into the amount of blood loss but I will list some of the vocal reactions:
Hans: "Oh nooooooooo."
Gay: "He's gonna need a transfusion."
Me: "Dad, you hit an artery."
Gay: "Nooooo, he didn't hit an artery....but almost."
Gay: "Johnnie, Buddy is going to pass out."
Me: "Are we gonna watch this goat bleed out?
Me: "I'm feeling light-headed."
Me: "I better go up to the house."
He is just walking around with a makeshift boot fashioned out of an old washcloth and duct tape.
Your are Hilarious! I am so sorry for poor buddy though:-(. I am seriously thinking you would be the next Jenny Mcarthy style book writer and I would buy everyone! Think about writing a book!