Sunday, February 5, 2012

Grab a newspaper and settle in already

For the past few weeks we've been in the throws of potting training.  What that really means is Hans runs around naked all day every day with me watching him like a hawk (I knew Gay's ol' hawk eyes would eventually rub off on me) and repeating, "Hansie, do you need to go potty?"

He's pretty consistent with going "#1" and I don't have to remind him much anymore.

But going "#2" in the toilet, therein lies the challenge.  Let's put it this way: Hans likes to drop the kids everywhere BUT the pool.
He likes the kids to go in his hands.
His favorite John Deere toy tractor, well it gets some kids on occasion. (Hans actually goes to the trouble of backing his booty up and pooping directly on top of a toy) 
His bedroom door during naptime, kids all over it.
I could elaborate more but I'll spare you the gag reflex you may or may not have by now.
And I thought that with Justin home Hans would step-up and be a man.
When Hans pulls these shenanigans, Dad has to exit the building whilst gagging and carrying on.
It's hard to distinguish what I'm more frustrated with at this point:  Hans and his fecal creativity or Justin and his hyperreflexia.

Will someone please hand Hans the memo that it's about to get real in 12 weeks and I don't have the time nor the energy to play these poop games?


  1. I think you have to start training him...any time he starts to take a him over to the toilet and make him sit there until he goes or doesn't go. Just have to repeat this over and over til he makes the connection.

  2. Give it up, there is a lot of change coming, trust me I feel you pain. Cooper has finally started going #2 in the bathroom, not toliet, bathroom. This has been about a 6 month long battle......sorry I don't have better advice.

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